Color Prediction Game

India's most popular color game

How to make money

If you want to make money in this game, please be sure to add our prediction customer service, they will help you make money in this game, including game skills and methods of making money. Each of our teams earns at least several million per month. If you want to know more, please contact our customer service and follow our telegram channel. We will not charge you any fees. If you want to make money in this game, please be sure to contact us, because the fastest way to make money is as a team. Playing alone will definitely lose money. Believe me, these are all based on experience! Because I used to play this game alone, and ended up losing a lot of money. Until one day, after being introduced by my friend, I found a team and played this game in the right way. From then on, I earned at least hundreds of thousands a month to millions.

Screenshot of the game showing color prediction challenge Screenshot of the game showing different levels and color patterns Screenshot of the game with a complex color sequence puzzle

Game Introduction

Lucky Winner is a famous colour prediction game where you can earn money. On this game you can predict colours by judging various patterns and win resl money on every right prediction. For example you predict that green color will appear and you bet 100₹ on it , if green appears you will get 200₹ . Your money will be doubled in just 3 minutes . After every 3 minutes a new color comes. In this game you can also lose money , so there is financial risk involved. Make sure you understand all the segments before investing , also make sure to learn privacy policy , disclaimee before investing on Lucky Winner.

Game Rules

Lucky Winner is a famous color prediction game where you can win real money . Lucky Winner also known as mantrigame is india’s number 1 colour prediction game . Register on Lucky Winner to start earning. Login to Lucky Winner and start playing today to Earn on Lucky Winner game . Lucky Winner Official site , Lucky Winner register & Lucky Winner login link. Lucky Winner app apk download.