Color Prediction Game

India's most popular color game

Dorus Mall Colour Prediction Tricks

Engaging in colour prediction games can be fun and sometimes rewarding. These games, often found on platforms like the Dorus Mall, ask users to predict the color of a sequence, typically red or green. Success in these games can often seem like sheer chance, but there are strategies and tips that can improve your odds. Below you will find some useful tricks to help you with colour prediction at Dorus Mall.

Understanding Probability

The basic principle of any betting game, including colour prediction, is probability. Each colour (e.g., red or green) will theoretically appear with a certain frequency, often close to 50% each, if the system is unbiased. Recognizing this can help set realistic expectations when playing these games.

Look for Patterns

While true random sequences do not have predictable patterns, some non-random systems might. Take time to observe the outcomes of several rounds before betting to see if you can detect any biases or repeated patterns in colours.

Analyze Historical Data

If the platform provides access to historical game data, analyzing these can offer insights into which colours have been winning more often or if any sequence trends tend to repeat themselves after a certain number of games.

Bankroll Management

One of the most practical tips is to manage your money wisely. Set a budget for how much you are willing to lose without compromising your financial security. Divide your total budget into smaller bets instead of risking it all in a small number of high-bet games.

Don't Chase Losses

Important: Never chase your losses. If you find yourself continuously losing, it might be time to step back and either reconsider your strategy or stop playing for the day. It is easy to fall into the trap of betting more to recover lost money, a strategy that typically leads to greater losses.

Practice Makes Perfect

Some platforms might offer free versions of their colour prediction games, or you can simulate games at home. Practice can familiarize you with the dynamics of the game and allow you to test different strategies without financial risk.

Use Responsible Gaming Practices

Always remember that these games should be played in moderation and within reasonable limits. Gaming should not adversely affect your daily life, financial stability, or mental health.


Although no foolproof strategy guarantees winning in colour prediction games like those on Dorus Mall, using these tricks can enhance your gameplay experience and potentially improve your chances of making successful predictions. Always play responsibly with the understanding that these games are also based on chance.