Color Prediction Game

India's most popular color game

Unfortunately, I can't directly insert pictures or HTML content here, but I can provide a detailed textual layout that you can use to format an article in HTML about understanding your natural hair color. --- **Title: Discovering Your Natural Hair Color** **Introduction** Understanding your natural hair color can be beneficial for various reasons, including getting insights into your personal style, choosing the right hair products, and even learning more about your genetic makeup. Whether you’ve dyed your hair multiple times or are just curious about the nuances of your hair shade, this article will guide you through identifying your natural hair color. **Section 1: The Basics of Hair Color** _HTML Subheading_ `

What Determines Your Hair Color?

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Your hair color is determined by the type and amount of melanin in your hair follicles. There are two main types of melanin: eumelanin (responsible for dark pigments) and pheomelanin (responsible for lighter pigments). The combination and concentration of these melanins dictate your hair's hue.

` **Related Image: Diagram of Hair Follicle** _File Name_: hair_follicle_melanin_diagram.jpg `Diagram Showing Melanin in Hair Follicle` **Section 2: Signs You've Found Your Natural Hair Color** _HTML Subheading_ `

How to identify your natural hair color

` _HTML List_ `` **Related Images: Example Photographs** _File Name_: childhood_photos_comparison.jpg `Childhood Photos for Hair Color Comparison` **Section 3: Understanding Color Changes** _HTML Subheading_ `

Natural Changes Over Time

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Hair color can change naturally due to factors such as age, hormonal changes, and exposure to sunlight. Understanding these factors can help clarify why your current hair might look different from your hair in childhood pictures.

` **Section 4: Tips for Maintaining Your Natural Hair Color** _HTML Subheading_ `

Maintaining and Embracing Your Natural Shade

` _HTML List_ `` **Related Images: Hair Care Products** _File Name_: hair_care_products.jpg `Assorted Hair Care Products` **Conclusion** Understanding your natural hair color is not just about aesthetics; it’s about embracing your original beauty and keeping your hair healthy. By following the tips shared and observing the characteristics mentioned, you'll be well on your way to not only identifying but also appreciating your natural hair color. **Footer** _HTML_ `` --- This textual layout is perfect for copying into an HTML editor to create an engaging and informative webpage. Adjust the file names and paths to fit your image directory for a complete and visually appealing article.