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Projection Matrix Tricks in Computer Graphics

Projection matrices are a cornerstone in the field of computer graphics, underpinning the simulations of three-dimensional environments on two-dimensional screens. These mathematical constructs enable transformations that project 3D points into 2D perspective or orthographic views. In this article, we will delve into some useful tricks involving projection matrices and explore how they are utilized to enhance rendering and image manipulation.

What is a Projection Matrix?

A projection matrix is a transformation tool used in 3D graphics to map a set of points in three-dimensional space onto a two-dimensional plane. There are primarily two types of projection matrices: Perspective and Orthographic. Perspective projection maps objects in a way that objects which are farther away from the viewpoint appear smaller than those that are closer, mimicking human eye perception, while orthographic projection flattens the depth, rendering objects uniformly irrespective of distance.

Perspective vs Orthographic Projection

Important Tricks with Projection Matrices

1. Manipulating Field of View

The Field of View (FoV) in a perspective projection can be dynamically adjusted simply by altering elements of the matrix. This is especially useful in virtual reality applications and games where the illusion of depth and space needs to be controlled according to user interaction and the game's requirements.

2. Achieving Parallax Scrolling Effects

In 2D game developments, parallax scrolling can create the illusion of depth by having background images move slower than foreground images. By adjusting the projection matrix, developers can easily achieve this effect in a controlled and efficient manner.

3. Projection Matrix for Shadow Mapping

Casting shadows in 3D scenarios often uses light-space perspective projection. This involves creating a viewpoint from the position of the light source and projecting all parts of the scene. The resulting matrix helps in rendering the depths and dimensions more accurately in shadow maps.

4. Seamless Stereoscopic 3D Adjustment

For stereoscopic 3D effects, such as those in VR, altering the projection matrix for each eye can help simulate more natural and less fatiguing visual experiences. Adjusting the offset or skew of the matrix for each eye helps achieve the necessary parallax effect between the two images shown to each eye.

Stereoscopic 3D Adjustment

Implementing a Projection Matrix with Code

The formulation and manipulation of a projection matrix can be implemented in OpenGL or DirectX with the help of API-specific utility functions or custom shader code. Below is a simple example of setting up a perspective projection matrix using WebGL:

function createPerspectiveMatrix(fov, aspect, near, far) {
    var f = 1.0 / Math.tan(fov / 2);
    var rangeInv = 1 / (near - far);

    return [
        f / aspect, 0, 0, 0,
        0, f, 0, 0,
        0, 0, (near + far) * rangeInv, -1,
        0, 0, near * far * rangeInv * 2, 0

This function creates a matrix for a perspective projection that can further be utilized to transform coordinates from 3D into the 2D screen space.


Understanding how projection matrices work and knowing how to manipulate them is essential for any graphics programmer. Whether it's making minute adjustments to the camera's perspective or crafting immersive virtual realities, the control provided by well-calibrated projection matrices can bring visual experiences to life.