Color Prediction Game

India's most popular color game

Colour Prediction Chart

Colour prediction charts are widely used in various industries such as fashion, interior design, and graphic design to forecast and track emerging colour trends. These charts are essential tools for professionals to stay ahead of the curve and create visually appealing designs that resonate with current consumer preferences.

How Colour Prediction Charts Work

Colour prediction charts are developed by trend forecasting agencies that analyze various factors such as socio-economic trends, cultural influences, technology advancements, and consumer behaviours to predict the colours that will be popular in the upcoming seasons. These charts typically feature a range of colours along with their corresponding colour codes for easy reference.

Benefits of Using Colour Prediction Charts

1. Stay Ahead of Trends: By using colour prediction charts, designers can anticipate upcoming colour trends and incorporate them into their designs, ensuring that their work remains relevant and appealing to consumers.

2. Create Cohesive Designs: Colour prediction charts help designers to create cohesive colour palettes that harmonize well together, resulting in visually pleasing designs.

3. Enhance Brand Identity: By aligning their colour choices with current trends, businesses can enhance their brand identity and connect with their target audience on a deeper level.

Examples of Colour Prediction Charts

Here are some popular colour prediction charts used in the industry:

Colour Trend Chart

1. Pantone Colour of the Year: Pantone, a leading authority on colour, selects a "Colour of the Year" that sets the tone for design trends across various industries.

Colour Trend Forecast

2. WGSN Colour Forecast: WGSN is a global trend forecasting agency that releases seasonal colour forecasts to guide designers in their colour choices.


Colour prediction charts are valuable tools for designers and businesses looking to create impactful designs that resonate with consumers. By staying informed about current colour trends and incorporating them into their work, professionals can elevate their designs and stay ahead of the competition.